The following are some answers to common questions you may have regarding quantum biofeedback and the INDIGO device.
Is this a diagnostic device?
No, the INDIGO is not "diagnostic" for several reasons. Because it measures the body's reaction to the frequencies of different items, it is an indirect qualitative measure as opposed to a direct quantitative measure such as in a blood test. It will sometimes detect resonances which are not your own, but those of someone physically or emotionally close to you and it will also detect resonances for items that are potentialities for you and not yet physically developed. As Biofeedback Specialists, we are unable to diagnose or treat disease using the device unless we are also medical doctors. This is why it is advisable to consult your physician to verify or monitor any conditions the device may be detecting.Can the INDIGO cure disease?
Neither MQW, nor the developers of the INDIGO device make any claims regarding cures for disease. We note only that the body has an innate ability to heal itself when given the correct conditions. The INDIGO is approved for stress reduction and relaxation and as such, has a role to play in eliminating the barriers to good health. It does this by targeting very specific stressors it detects in the body and its electrical field.Will I feel anything during the training?
Since the INDIGO operates by sending frequency at biological speeds (up to 1/1000 of a second) most clients feel no sensation whatsoever. Those sensitive to frequency may experience a slight tickle or tingling sensation periodically under the head harness or limb straps.How many sessions will be required to rectify my condition or maintain my health?
This will depend on many variables, including the client's lifestyle factors and degree of wellness at the outset. Some clients need just a few sessions over a period of four or five weeks with a follow up session every four to six weeks. Others with more acute or chronic health challenges will need more intensive and protracted training. However, the INDIGO is designed to remind the body how to heal itself and is not intended to create dependence.How frequently can I have a session?
The body requires about 72 hours to fully integrate the frequencies it receives in a regular session and repeating a test scan within this period is not recommended for that reason. Thus, the shortest interval between sessions is usually three days to one week. In exceptional situations, biofeedback training can continue as needed without the main test scan.Are there any common side effects associated with this training?
Most clients report no ill effects. In fact, the most common response after a session is to feel energized and more focused. It is not uncommon for pain or other symptoms to be partially or completely alleviated after a session. Clients who are suffering from excessive toxicity may experience some transitory feelings of discomfort as their bodies release toxins from the tissues for elimination. This is particularly true when zapping pathogens.At MQW, I make every effort to balance organs and mineralize the client and discuss the implications prior to any detoxification. I also encourage the client to drink plenty of water as this assists elimination and usually reduces any discomfort. Highly sensitive individuals may experience fatigue or headache after a session. At MQW, I limit the time of training to one hour and adjust power settings lower for sensitive clients to avoid this as much as possible. The INDIGO is a self-limiting device and will alarm or shut down when a client has had enough of any one training.
What safety features are in place to protect the client from harm?
Quantum biofeedback is a very safe and non-invasive training with few safety concerns. The INDIGO is protected by a high quality surge-protector to guard against electrical hazard and is a self-monitoring and self-adjusting device, taking its cues from the body's electrical signals as training proceeds. Alarms are activated when the client has had enough of any one training, alerting the practitioner to switch to a different training or stop for the day.
Does Trevor come to my home?
Yes. In addition to coming to the home office location on Salt Spring Island, clients can choose to have their session in the comfort of their own homes. This service is available certain days on Salt Spring and within the Victoria area. Please see Rates page for differences in fees. Distance sessions can also be arranged.
Can I purchase my own INDIGO?
Yes, please see Device Sales page for more information or email or call Trevor directly.
Does MQW offer biofeedback sessions for my pets?
Yes, we have a pet pad for your pet to lie on while we conduct a session. The device can be very helpful in better understanding our pets and their needs. Pets also respond very rapidly to the entrainment process as they are much more in touch with their bodies than us humans tend to be and are receptive to frequency.